Unlink Origins From Steam

There are a ton of accounts, launchers, and services available in this modern age of gaming. From Valve to Ubisoft to Rockstar to EA to Epic Games, it seems like every major publisher has developed a launcher on PC for their games. While some will simply stick with one, others cannot wait until a game launches on Steam causing them to manage multiple accounts. If you're like me, there's a chance some of you accidentally created or just have a secondary account on one of these services — which can be problematic. Thankfully, you can finally delink your Origin and Steam account, something that was previously impossible when Apex Legends launched on Steam.

Here's how to unlink your Origin account from Steam and register a new one.

How to Unlink Your Origin Account

To unlink your Origin account you will need the email address of the account currently linked to Steam (the wrong one), access to that email, and your Steam ID. Unfortunately, you will need to go through EA's customer service chat to delink an account, as it cannot be done yourself. First, go to the Contact EA, log into the account you want to switch over to, and select which device you want to delink your Steam account from at the bottom. Selecting  either PC or Mac will bring up several tabs below it, so pick "Manage My Account."

Another series of tabs will open up, asking you to pick which category your issue falls into. Pick "Delete Account" and then "Select Contact Option" at the very bottom of the page. This will bring up a new page that offers both text and voice chat options, so pick the former. You'll want to write something along the lines of "I want to unlink my Origin account from Steam," in the subject line. Now just request a Live Chat and wait until your turn.

When you're in the chat, just explain you linked the wrong Origin account to Steam. They will ask you to provide the email of the account currently linked. This should take between 15-20 minutes, but at the end, your Origin account will be unlinked from Steam. Now all you have to do is log onto a game like Apex Legends and sign into the Origin account you want actually use.

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Keep in mind, you will lose access to any, gear, saves, and items if you switch over to another account. Because of this, make sure you have completed any games on the wrong linked account first, otherwise, you will be starting from the beginning. For many Apex Legends fans like myself, this won't be an issue outside of losing any battle pass progress or cosmetics. Yet, this is a small price to pay for obtaining all your gear and progress back. After all, who wants to lose all their hard work because they used the wrong email?

Photo of Collin MacGregor

Collin MacGregor is the Guide Staff Writer at Fanbyte. He's also the person who willingly plays the support class (you're welcome) and continues to hold out for an Ape Escape remake.